Documentation: Flowy Configuration
Flowy Configuration
The configuration files have many settings in common. Flowy relies on a relational database for its metadata. Hence, the very same settings for spring / datasource
should be hence used both for the admin and processing service.
The following table describes the details:
Path | Availability | Description | Type | Default value |
spring.datasource.url | Core | The URL to the database that Flowy should use for its metadata | Mandatory | n/a |
spring.datasource.username | Core | The username to be used | Mandatory | n/a |
spring.datasource.password | Core | The password to be used | Mandatory | n/a |
spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size | Core | Pool size of database connections that used for internal communication by the Flowy service | Optional | 10 |
flowy.core.instance.dir | Core | Path where Flowy related files and directories are stored | Optional | .flowy |
flowy.core.instance-id | Core | Must be individual for every admin as well as processing service. These values must match with the according setting / instance entry. If not set, new values will be generated and stored to instance-id file. | Optional | n/a | | Core | This password will be used to encrypt and decrypt the values as they are stored in the database; hence the same value must be used across every environment | Mandatory | n/a | | Core | By default only is allowed; any additional IP address must be configured here | Mandatory | n/a |
flowy.core.system-scheduler-pool-size | Core | Amount of threads used for internal jobs | Optional | 10 |
server.port | Core | Server default port | Optional | 8080 |
spring.liquibase.enabled | Core | Defines if migrations are executed on startup | Optional | true |
Admin configuration
The following configuration can be used for the admin service:
url: jdbc:postgresql://<dbServer>:<dbPort>/<dbName>
username: <dbUser>
password: <dbPassword>
liquibase.enabled: false
password: <flowySharedSecret>
flowy.admin.module-version: 2021.09
The following table describes the details:
Path | Availability | Description | Type | Default value |
flowy.admin.history.ttl | Admin | Defines the maximum time to keep history entries | Optional | 90d |
flowy.admin.history.clean-delay | Admin | Time between checks for history cleaning | Optional | 1d |
flowy.admin.history.clean-enabled | Admin | Enables, respective disables history cleaning (off by default) | Optional | False |
flowy.admin.module-version | Admin | Used to compare when exporting/importing module to ensure compatibility | Mandatory | n/a |
server.servlet.context-path | Admin | URL extension for the service | Optional | "/api" |
flowy.admin.module-version | Admin | Necessary version for export and import of Flowy objects | Mandatory | n/a |
Processing configuration
The following configuration can be used for the processing service:
url: jdbc:postgresql://<dbServer>:<dbPort>/<dbName>
username: <dbUser>
password: <dbPassword>
server.port: 8081
password: <flowySharedSecret>
The following table describes the details:
Path | Availability | Description | Type | Default value |
flowy.processing.credentials.inactive-ttl | Processing | Defines the timeout when connections should be closed (currently only supported by MQTT) | Optional | 1d |
flowy.processing.credentials.sync-delay | Processing | Specifies the interval between checks of credentials | Optional | 5s |
flowy.processing.plugin.sync-delay | Processing | Time between checks for plugin updates | Optional | 25s |
flowy.processing.plugin.dir | Processing | Specifies the directory where plugins are cached | Optional | "plugins" |
flowy.processing.process-execution.fetch-events-delay | Processing | Specifies the interval between events checks | Optional | 100ms |
flowy.processing.process-execution.clean-up-logs-delay | Processing | Specifies the interval between cleaning executions of step logs and events | Optional | 7m |
flowy.processing.process-execution.clean-up-errors-delay | Processing | Specifies the interval between cleaning executions of errors | Optional | 7m |
flowy.processing.process-execution.heartbeat | Processing | Specifies the interval between heartbeat updates | Optional | 45s |
flowy.processing.process-execution.execute-process-step-child-event-delay | Processing | Specifies the wait duration between checks of children events | Optional | 100ms |
flowy.processing.trigger-cron.sync-delay | Processing | Specifies the wait duration between cron synchronisations | Optional | 25s |
flowy.processing.groovy-script.clean-up-delay | Processing | Specifies the interval between cleaning executions of storage values | Optional | 1h |
flowy.processing.groovy-script.inactive-ttl | Processing | Interval how long the groovy script should stay in the cache if unused | Optional | 30d |
flowy.processing.trigger-rest.wait-event-time | Processing | Specifies the wait duration between checks event status | Optional | 100ms |
flowy.processing.trigger-rest.sync-delay | Processing | Specifies the wait duration between rest trigger syncronisations | Optional | 25s |
flowy.processing.trigger-messaging.sync-delay | Processing | Specifies the wait duration between messaging trigger synchronisations | Optional | 25s | | Processing | Specifies the interval between cleaning executions of storage values | Optional | 5m |
flowy.processing.library.sync-delay | Processing | Time between checks for library updates | Optional | 30s |
flowy.processing.library.dir | Processing | Specifies the directory where libraries are cached | Optional | 30s | | Processing | Interval between cleans of rest template cache | Optional | 1h | | Processing | Interval how long the rest template should stay in the cache if unused | Optional | 1d |
flowy.processing.process-execution.fix-execution-state-delay | Processing | Interval to check for jobs not finished in time | Optional | 1m |
server.servlet.context-path | Processing | URL extension for the service | Optional | "" (=empty string) |
Please refer to the internal jobs page to learn more about history cleaning.
Log configuration
Logging settings must be provided to Flowy by logback.xml
. The default Logback configuration included into the jar can be overridden:
java -Dlogging.config=/path/to/logback.xml -jar flowy.jar
Below you'll find several useful examples.
Log rotation
An logback.xml
configuration using local log files and rotation:
<springProperty scope="context" name="application" source=""/>
<springProperty scope="context" name="instance-id" source="flowy.core.instance-id"/>
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%green(%date) %highlight(%-5level) %yellow([%-4relative]) %magenta([%thread]) %cyan(%logger{10}) %yellow([%file:%line]) %blue(: %msg%n)</pattern>
<!-- RollingFileAppender configuration -->
<appender name="ROLLING" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5level [%thread] %logger{10} [%file:%line] - %msg%n</pattern>
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<!-- daily rollover and max 16MB -->
<root level="WARN">
<appender-ref ref="ROLLING"/>
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>
Graylog configuration
Enclosed an logback.xml
example demonstrating the usage of Graylog:
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%green(%date) %highlight(%-5level) %yellow([%-4relative]) %magenta([%thread]) %cyan(%logger{10}) %yellow([%file:%line]) %blue(: %msg%n)</pattern>
<appender name="GELF" class="de.siegmar.logbackgelf.GelfUdpAppender">
<root level="INFO">
<appender-ref ref="GELF"/>
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>