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Flowy has been in use by customers as well as ourselves from the very first moment on. This provided a clear guidance on which features to focus on:

  • Audit logs: modification of elements are automatically tracked.
  • Automatic fail-over: Flowy automatically handles outages and distributes the work load across its instances.
  • Built-in metrics provided in real-time out-of-the-box.
  • Cloud agnostic: Flowy is compatible with any cloud infrastructure and can be moved to and from different cloud environments without any operational issues. The same applies for on-premise respective hybrid scenarios.
  • Containerization: Flowy fully supports containerization and making deployments efficient, providing easy ways to scale and run the platform consistent and predictable across different environments.
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment: Flowy provides an CLI tool enabling an easy and effective integration into all modern CI & CD solutions.
  • Dashboard: an powerful dashboard that allows both the creation and maintenance of workflows as well as the review of logs and operational data in one place.
  • Data Quality and Cleansing: Flowy enhances data integrity with sophisticated cleansing tools that identify and rectify errors and duplications, guaranteeing dependable data for insightful business analysis.
  • Data Transformation Capabilities: Effortlessly modify data in Flowy using extensive in-built tools or tailor-made scripts, designed to handle intricate business requirements and sophisticated data operations.
  • Enterprise grade technology: Flowy is built with Java, a versatile and widely-used programming language with an proven track record in the business world.
  • Event driven architecture: enables loose coupling and scalability for information exchange and distributed workflows.
  • Expandability: Flowy steps offer you a great amount of functionality out of the box. It is easy to build the desired business logic using this big building blocks. If you wish, you can script in Groovy or JavaScript. Furthermore, with just a few lines of code, its easy to build and distribute Java based plugins directly within Flowy.
  • Graphical front-end for creating, testing and maintaining any kind of Flowy objects including credentials, workflow processes.
  • Intuitive User Interface and Ease of Use: Flowy's straightforward interface makes workflow development, testing and management seamless, offering a streamlined experience for all users, regardless of their technical proficiency.
  • Load balancing: instances of different capacity can be configured; the system shares the work load accordingly.
  • Localisation: native support for localization enabling support of different languages, regions and cultures.
  • Messaging support built-in: based on Kafka or JMS.
  • Multi-node environment: natively supported. Enables scalability and provides an safety net in case of outages.
  • On-premise: Flowy can be installed and operated 100% on-premise, in the cloud as well as in hybrid mode.
  • Reporting and KPI tracking: gain real-time visibility, identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.
  • REST: Flowy is natively supporting REST and offers the necessary performance, functionality and logging capabilities needed for both development and operations.
  • Roles and permissions: users can only access what is meant for them.
  • Scalability: both vertical (more power to existing instances) as well as horizontal (more instances) approaches are fully supported.
  • Versioning: each change is automatically tracked, Flowy has an built-in repository; switching back and forth between versions is just a mouse click away.
  • Whole lifecycle: the platform supports you from the initial draft through all necessary stages.

By using Flowy, businesses are able to bring their complex workflow plans to life more quickly and with more confidence. Flowy provides users with the necessary tools and insights to monitor the performance of workflows in real-time and identify issues or risks resulting in a more efficient and cost-effective system.