
Please support us to improve our service. We would like to use statistics anonymously.

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Here, you'll find our plans and ideas for upcoming features and improvements. We're committed to evolving Flowy to meet your needs and this roadmap provides a transparent look into our next steps. Let's navigate the future of our SaaS journey together.

Priority high

  • UI/Front-end capabilities

Priority medium

  • Validations: add type casting possibility
  • Module swagger generation: include validation variables
  • Extend formatting step to support time conversions
  • Felix cache: remove old entries without having to delete whole folder

Priority low

  • Summarise thread statistics periodically to reduce amount of data to store
  • Introduce AMQP credentials and support to messaging step
  • Plugin step: introduce a list of throwable exception so that it can be configured
  • Try/catch step: introduce support for dynamic exceptions from plugin step

To be assessed

  • Evaluate possibility to link multiple validations for a wizard like experience
  • Evaluate usage of Hazelcast/Redis/Similar for event assignment
  • Support throw from Groovy step
  • Consider "throw exception" step
  • Frequent dump of thread statistic (i.e. minutely)
  • Consider ways to integrate OAUTH
  • Multi-tenant support
  • Drools integration