Documentation: Flowy Permissions

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Base concept

Flowy has - in general - three levels of permissions on objects:

  • Use: enables the usage of an object, which is very useful i.e. for scenarios where ops manages credentials while the developer and support team "just" uses them
  • View: contains the functions of use but provides additionally read-only access to the object
  • Edit: provides all possibilities of view extended by the capability to edit object characteristics

Default roles

Flowy offers the following default roles:

CREDENTIAL_CREATOREnables the creation of new credentials; each credential contains its own role definitions for usage/view/edit
CREDENTIAL_DELETEREnables the deletion of credentials
ENTITY_CREATOREnables the creation of new entities
ENTITY_DELETEREnables the deletion of entities
GDPR_ADMINProvides access to the GDPR overview
LIBRARY_CREATOREnables the creation of new libraries
LIBRARY_DELETEREnables the deletion of new libraries
MODULE_CREATOREnables the creation of new modules; each module contains its own role definitions for usage/view/edit
MODULE_DELETEREnables the deletion of modules
PLUGIN_CREATOREnables the creation of new plugin-ins; each plug-in contains its own role definitions for usage/view/edit
PLUGIN_DELETEREnables the deletion of plug-ins
PROCESS_CREATOREnables the creation of new processes; each process contains its own role definitions for usage/view/edit
PROCESS_DELETEREnables the deletion of processes
ROLE_CREATOREnables the creation of new roles; each role contains its own role definitions for usage/view/edit
ROLE_DELETEREnables the deletion of roles
SELF_REGISTEREDIs automatically assigned to users signing up through self-sign-up
SETTING_CREATOREnables the creation of new settings; each setting contains its own role definitions for usage/view/edit
SETTING_DELETEREnables the deletion of settings
TELEMETRY_ADMINProvides access to the telemetry data generated by Flowy
TEMPLATE_CREATOREnables the creation of new templates; each template contains its own role definitions for usage/view/edit
TEMPLATE_DELETEREnables the deletion of templates
TRIGGER_CREATOREnables the creation of new triggers; each trigger contains its own role definitions for usage/view/edit
USER_CREATOREnables the creation of new users
VALIDATION_RULE_CREATOREnables the creation of new validation rules; each validation rule contains its own role definitions for usage/view/edit
VALIDATION_RULE_DELETEREnables the deletion of validations
Role search window
Role search window

Virtual roles

AUTHENTICATED respective UNAUTHENTICATED are special, virtual roles. They can't be assigned to user accounts directly. Instead they are automatically mapped: any authenticated user automatically has the AUTHENTICATED role while all others have the default UNAUTHENTICATED role.

This provides the necessary capabilities to enable - if desired - public access to triggers.

Trigger permissions

In order to execute trigger, users need to belong to either any kind of role.

In order to be able to link to a process, the editing user is required to have at least an use role for the process.