Documentation: Version control

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Version control

Flowy's version control system is a fundamental feature designed to enhance project management through efficient tracking and management of project versions. This document provides a closer look at how version control operates within Flowy and the practical considerations for users, especially regarding history persistence and security measures.

Simplified Version Tracking

Flowy automatically tracks changes to project objects, ensuring that every modification is recorded. This automatic version control is pivotal for maintaining a detailed history of a project's evolution, facilitating an environment where users can easily see who made what changes and when. However, by default, Flowy retains this change history for a period of 90 days. This duration strikes a balance between providing ample history for project review and managing storage requirements efficiently.

For organizations with different project review needs or compliance requirements, the default history retention setting can be customized. The admin.history.ttl setting allows administrators to adjust the time-to-live (TTL) for project history, ensuring that the version control system aligns with specific operational or regulatory needs.

Security and Exclusions

While Flowy's version control system encompasses a wide range of project elements, it deliberately excludes credentials and other sensitive data. This approach prioritizes security, ensuring that sensitive information is not exposed through version histories. By excluding these elements, Flowy mitigates the risk of sensitive data breaches, providing users with a secure platform for collaboration.

Access is thoughtfully aligned with the object's permission settings. This means that anyone granted the "use" permissions for the current version of an object also gains the ability to explore its history.

Objects no longer available but for which historic entries exist, can be restored using the Admin / History function of the admin front-end.


Users can switch to older versions at any time on a per-object basis through the admin front-end. This capability enables them to review or adopt previous versions as needed. To activate an old version, the corresponding object must be saved, which will trigger a new history entry, ensuring that the project's evolution is comprehensively documented.

Impact on Collaboration and Project Management

The ability to track project changes over time significantly benefits collaborative efforts. Teams can work concurrently with the assurance that their contributions will not be lost or overwritten. The option to revert to earlier project versions promotes a culture of innovation, where team members feel free to experiment, knowing they can easily undo changes if needed.

The customizable history retention feature offers enhanced flexibility in managing project histories. This adaptability ensures that teams can adhere to both internal policies and external regulations related to data retention, seamlessly aligning project management practices with compliance requirements.