Customer Care Manager

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As an Customer Care manager, you should consider using Flowy:

  • GDPR: provide GDPR-related data to customers by capturing and storing data in a secure and organized manner, tracking requests for data access, generate reports and consent forms and ensure compliance with GDPR regulations.
  • Case Management: management of customer support cases, capture inquiries, assign cases, track progress and generate resolution reports
  • Ticketing System: interact with both internal and external ticketing systems, prioritizing based on urgency, assigning to team members and/or business partners, track resolution times and generate reports across systems
  • Knowledge Management: centralise or de-centralise support knowledge, capture frequently asked questions, organize into a searchable database and updating as new information becomes available
  • Feedback Management: handle customer feedback, capturing feedback through surveys or forms, analyzing to identify trends and insights and acting to improve the customer experience
  • Document Management: provide one central place for agents and / or customers to find and review documents and remind customers automatically when needed

Flowy can be used to automate various customer care processes including case management, ticketing, knowledge management, feedback management and document management, to provide a seamless and efficient customer support experience.