HR Manager

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As an HR manager, you should consider using Flowy:

  • Onboarding: Simplify and automate the onboarding process from the initial offer acceptance to the final orientation, using a centralized system that ensures a consistent, streamlined experience for all new hires.
  • Employee Self-Service: Providing employees with a self-service platform for tasks like updating personal information, viewing pay stubs and requesting time off.
  • Performance Management: Streamlining the annual performance review process by automating the collection of performance data, goal setting and feedback collection.
  • Compliance and Policies: Automating the process of ensuring that employees receive and acknowledge company policies, such as anti-harassment, anti-discrimination and data privacy.
  • Employee Records Management: Centralizing employee records, such as personal information, resumes and performance history, in a secure and easily accessible location.
  • Training and Development: Managing the training and development programs by automating the scheduling, tracking and reporting of employee training and development activities.
  • Benefits Administration: Automating the administration of employee benefits, including enrollment, changes and renewals, to ensure that employees receive their benefits in a timely and accurate manner.
  • Separation Process: Automating the process of separating employees from the organization, including offboarding and exit interviews.

Flowy streamlines processes to ensure consistency and efficiency for HR managers and employees.